Unit 1,2. What is a plant? Why Study Plants?
Google Slide Notes/Guided Notes
1a. Plants Share traits w/ALL living things
1b. Plants Share traits w/ALL living things guided notes
1d. Why Study Plants guided Notes
3a. What is a plant and taxonomy
3b. what is plant guided notes
Botany Reading
19.1 Land Plants Evolved from green alagae
Videos to Watch on Bozeman/reviews and quiz
1. Essential Characteristics of Life
1b. Video Review Sheet Essential Characteristics of LIfe
3a.Land plant characteristics/what is a plant?
3b. Land plant characteristics/what is a plant? video Review sheet
Project based learning activities/lab investigations
Unit 3,4. Plant Diversity and Taxonomy 2020-2021
Google Slide Notes/Guided Notes
1b.Moss guided notes
2b. Ferns guided notes
3b. gymnosperms guided notes
4. angiosperms (flowering plants)
4b. flowering plants guided notes
Botany Reading
14.1 Classification of Organisms
Videos to Watch on Bozeman/video review
Non-vascular plants (khan crash course)
Vascular plants (khan crash course)
Project based Learning activities
Virtual plant portfolio Project
Template Virtual Plant Portfolio
Unit 5,6 Plant Biochemistry
Google Slide show/guided notes
Introduction to macro notes outline
protein notes outline
carbohydrates notes outline
lipids review guide
Biological Molecules plants (review)
Reading and Reading guides
3.3-3.7 Carbohydrate Reading w/q's
To Watch Bozeman Science
Chemical Bonds -Covalent vs Ionic
Biological Molecules (on crash course biology)
Old Quiz Material
Carbohydrates botany quiz 2019
Carbohydrate redo 2019
Plant Biochem final quiz 2019
Carbs, protein, lipids mini quiz
Proteins Lipids period 3
Proteins Lipids period 4
Proteins Lipids period 6 (QUIZ FOR PERIOD 6 ONLY)
Proteins, Lipid V2 period 6
Unit 5,6 Chemistry of Plants
Lecture Presentations and Student Outlines
chemistry of life student outlines
Videos to Watch on Bozeman/reviews and quiz
Chemical Bonds -Covalent vs Ionic
Carbon is a Tramp (on crash course biology)
Learning Activities/Lab investigations
Excel Data Template (Google sheet)
Atoms,Dot Diagrams, Ionic bonds 2018
1. 2020 atoms, dot, ionic bonds
Unit 7. Plant Cells
Lecture Presentations and Review Guides
Plant cells and their organelles
BIO2E opentax READING and Reading Guides
Learning activities/CAPT exercises/lab investigations
Plant Cell Organelle PPT project
KHAN ACADEMY (make sure you have joined KHAN class for work)
Unit 3 Importance of Water in Plants 2022
Lecture Presentations and Student Outlines
2.9-2.18 water bio reading w/q
To Watch ON KHAN Academy/Videos
Water, acids, and bases UNIT Khan Academy
Standard deviation (NOT ON KHAN)
Learning Activities/lab investigations
Unit 5. Working Cells
Lecture Presentations and Review Guides
Plasma membrane, diffusion, and osmosis
Plasma membrane, diffusion, and osmosis review
Osmosis and Diffusion Reading 5.1-5.9
Learning activities/CAPT exercises/lab investigations/practice quiz
In da Club-Membranes (crash course biology khan)
Diffusion, Osmosis quiz
Unit 5 GMO's
Lecture Presentations and Review Guides
Biotechnology botany scaffolded notes WEB
10.4-10.5 DNA replication w/q's
10.6-10.9 The Flow of Genetic information
Biotechnology Introduction (13.1)
Biologists Can engineer Bacteria (13.2)
To Watch ON Bozeman Science
Molecular Biology bozemanscience
Learning Activities/Performance Tasks
Popped Secret Mysterious origins of Corn Hand Out TO LOOK AT ONLY
Harvest of Fear Should we grow GMO's?
2 Famers, 2 view points GMO quiz below under quiz
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes Student Handout USE
Genetically Modified Mosquitoes video
GMO crops planted graphing exercise
GMO US crops and world population growth estimates
Quiz/ CFA's
Unit 3 Plant Evolution 2020-2021
Google Slide Notes/Guided Notes
Cladograms, phylogeny student notes
History of Evolution student notes
Evidence for Evolution Student Notes
Microevolution and speciation notes
Botany Reading
14.5 Evolution and medicine
Videos to Watch on Bozeman/video review
How to build a Cladogram
Introduction to evolution and natural selection
Evidence for Evolution 1(bozeman)
Evidence for Evolution 2(bozeman)
Examples of Natural Selection (bozeman)
PBS Darwins Dangerous Idea (youtube)
PBS Video Clip#2 Who Was Charles Darwin
PBS video #3 How do we know evolution happens?
PBS video #4 How Does Evolution Really work?
PBS video #6 Why does evolution matter now?
Learning Activities/lab investigations
Making YOUR cladoogram WEBQUEST
Peppered Moth Simulation (paper and pencil)
Survival of the sneakiest comic strip
Making YOUR cladoogram WEBQUEST
Peppered Moth Simulation (paper and pencil)
Survival of the sneakiest comic strip